Doug Messel is a digital content writer who loves telling stories.

Doug Messel standing in front of a lake.

Based in the suburbs of Kansas City, MO, Doug—who feels really awkward writing in the third person, by the way—currently works in digital advertising with some of the biggest SaaS, education, and technology brands in the world.

When he’s not writing blog posts, landing page copy, or other marketing materials for his clients, you can find him writing short fiction, poetry, thought leadership, and the occasional personal essay for places like MEL Magazine, Inside Self Storage, and other spots.

Why should you hire Doug to write content for your blog or website?

Writing great content for your site takes time, skill, and subject matter expertise. Think of it as a Venn diagram. You might know your business and can write a pretty decent post, but you’re too busy. Maybe you have plenty of time but don’t like blogging.

Heck, you might be a great writer with plenty of time, but you don’t know anything about your business.

Okay, it’s probably not that last part.

Anyway, my formal education is in creative writing. But my full background includes retail sales and digital marketing. That means I can quickly research your product or service and whip up what you need. I can even point out some weak points in your existing on-page SEO situation and help fix them.

How much does Doug charge to write content?

Well, that depends. Because I work full-time for one of the world’s leading performance marketing agencies, my 7:30 to 4:30 dance card is pretty full, and my kiddo gets mad if I spend too much time after school working. But I love taking on the occasional nighttime and/or weekend project to stretch my creative muscles.

I don’t like to charge an hourly rate because it’s no good for me if I get it done faster, and it’s no good for you if I take too long and you hate it. So let’s just say a 1,000 word piece of content starts at $250. Fair’s fair.

If you want something more robust, we can discuss that.

Where can I see Doug’s work?

Here’s where it gets tricky. I’ve got plenty of third-party examples to show off my writing chops, but some of those clients don’t love advertising that they’re clients. I can provide PDFs and writing samples upon request.

Hell, there’s even a good chance that I’ve already submitted them to you as part of a sales email or application packet.

Does Doug have a blog?

I do. You can read it here. It’s a work in progress as I try to devote more creative energy to writing what I want to write more often.

Is there anything else Doug thinks I should know?


He’s an enthusiastic Swiftie who also loves professional wrestling and playing Dungeons & Dragons with his pals when the stars align.

He once got a rock caught in his hand while running through a gravel driveway to play Super Mario World at his cousin’s house.

He also hopes you’re not weirded out by the switch from third-person to first-person and back again.

Anything else? Check out a more detailed bio.